Surf &Life

On Tiree

5 Ways To keep Warm Bodysurfing in Winter That Really Work.

5 Ways To keep Warm Bodysurfing in Winter That Really Work.

It’s a gorgeous sunny day in March on the Ise of Tiree and the surf forecast gets 4 stars, so it’s time to hit The Maze for a bodysurf. The water temperature forecast reads “very cold (8 °C)”, and the air temperature is 6 degrees - about as cold as it gets here in winter due to the influence of the Gulf Stream. During February and March, the ocean mercury dips to its lowest level of the year and despite the warm sunshine, I need to consider how best to stay warm.

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A Brief History of Bodysurfing and Why You Should Try It Too.
Christine Candeland Christine Candeland

A Brief History of Bodysurfing and Why You Should Try It Too.

From the first days in Polynesia, to competitions in California and the recent resurgence, bodysurfing will never grow old. For me, the feeling of being in the water with my handboard is simply addictive. The coastlines of the Inner Hebrides offer a beach for every kind of weather, the Isle of Tiree has 23 of them. With such a rich history, and with it being just on our doorstep, I personally think everyone should give body surfing a try.

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